the plasma accumulator

The electronic control of electron exchange reactions between a fuel and air makes it possible to produce electricity at low temperature avoiding gaseous emissions associated with burning fuels at high temperatures, as explained in our 2014 patent.

Until now, the combustion of petroleum derivatives has been spontaneous, controlled exclusively by physical procedures of pressure and temperature regulation in the combustion chamber. Thanks to this technological advance, electronics will make it possible to manage the thousands of volts that appear in combustion, handling gases in a plasma state, that is, ionized.

The operation of this new accumulator is the opposite of that of fluorescent lamps. In these, electricity is introduced and light is obtained. The plasma accumulator introduces petroleum gases into a reactor similar to a fluorescent bulb and obtains electricity thanks to a gaseous ionization process similar to that used in lighting.

We move from the combustion engine to the electric vehicle

combustion chamber

plasma reactor