Climate change reversal program


We offer two verified and verifiable technologies that are currently disruptive, although they are indisputable from the logic of the 1950s:

  • The first is that with the criteria in which the electromagnetic spectrum was developed, we have developed the reactor capable of extracting all the energy from oil, and doing it in the form of electricity, a subject that can be associated with Einstein's coefficient.
  • The second is related to the geometry of the natural movement of the stars, which allows transforming the wave propagation movement of the waves into rotational movement. This geometry can be used to transform wave energy and create useful intertidal spaces for reversing climate change.

We have developed a new physical model to understand the atom and astronomy, which is vital to early childhood development. 



The technological development carried out at INPROS began in the 1950s.

At that time of reconstruction of scientific knowledge, lost due to the Second World War and conditioned by the Cold War, there was a movement that tried to preserve this knowledge and prevent pressure from governments on science.


In this context, the INPROS philosophy was born, consisting of relying exclusively on accredited technological developments through the manufacture of machines that work. Among these developments is the invention of the ball valve (Pat. ES285069 de 1963).


The founding spirit has been maintained since then, ideas of the great scientists of that time have been followed, who shared that science was wrong, such as Thomas Kuhn or Richard Feynman, who stated that science would have to retrace its steps.


If we pay attention to Joel Barker, it is not possible to retrace the steps of science from the scientific paradigm, but it is necessary to do it from the outside. In our case we have done it from technology and this path has led us to bifurcations in which science made a mistake and we have finally ended up in the Library of Alexandria, before returning to the path that we now offer in the form of applied technology.