About us


Our technologies break the following paradigms:


  • Oil pollutes


  • The combustion engine needs moving parts


  • It is necessary to accumulate electricity


  • Climate change is irreversible


  • CO2 causes global warming


  • Urban wastewater is useless


  • Energy is scarce


  • The earth rotates by inertia

Our work gallery

Our technology allows the direct transformation of energy from oil into electricity with the performance considered by the electromagnetic spectrum that is 1000 times higher than what we currently take into account.

This supposes:


  • It is not necessary to develop electric accumulators 
  • Electricity is stored in oil, which is less polluting than battery components
  • There is no need to resort to heavy industry to build hybrid engines and vehicles
  • We should not worry about emissions from oil and heavy industry

Technical explanation can be found at:

To avoid the manufacture of electric accumulators and take advantage of petroleum

Using the sun's energy to reverse climate change

We have developed technology to create artificial estuaries, which make it possible to use energy from the sun and CO2 from the atmosphere to transform wastewater into life.

Develop our brain to understand nature

The main tool for progress is the human brain. Understanding nature requires understanding our brain, its origin and development.

Its conditioning factors. The history of thought.

We have developed a new physical model to understand the atom and astronomy and we know that this technology goes through extreme care in the development of children's abilities.